ZOOMAR ! MirthQuakes

“Any number, but make sure is Farenheit.”

“My brother-in-law he sweat.”

surgeon / sturgeon

in 5 minutes, 4 minutes

The name of the man who murdered your father was …END

Blue bows: “Stop playing that tuba!” – catch bullets, shoot through tuba

Percy Dovetonsils “In a way he was right, it was brown.”

Luigi “he used to be in radio, a sound effects guy.”

Roger Simess is still in distress —Railway tracks lift up


This Dress


The Angolan three

“As a layman i am more or less reluctant to make comment.

I suppose not and yet as a man of science i feel this would, this would more or less

give you license to speak

No, this contrivance”

Count beans in the jar-win a prize



In October 1946, optical engineer Frank G. Back introduced a new zoom lens designed for film and television cameras. The Zoomar lens was adopted by newsreel and television, and soon became ubiquitous in American television production. Zoomar lenses enhanced postwar television, and prepared the ground for the later popularity of zooms in film production. This article explores the wartime innovations and industrial collaborations which aided the development of the lens. It documents a neglected aspect of the history of American television technology, and sheds further light on relations between small inventors and large corporate bodies during the mid-twentieth century.

Posted in <a href="https://puma.3six9.com/a/category/macap/704/" rel="category tag">704</a>, <a href="https://puma.3six9.com/a/category/all/written/" rel="category tag">Written</a>Tagged <a href="https://puma.3six9.com/a/tag/kovaks/" rel="tag">Kovaks</a>, <a href="https://puma.3six9.com/a/tag/resolution/" rel="tag">Resolution</a>, <a href="https://puma.3six9.com/a/tag/zoomar/" rel="tag">Zoomar</a>