Describe Walking Backwards

“There are not separate aesthetic, ethical, and economic values so much as aesthetic, ethical, and economic dimensions of every value. In this case, walking backwards may require second guessing the rationality of necessary actions motivated by self-interest. The tools are ready at hand: while necessary actions of economic agents circulate in ways that constrain social relationships and human freedom, free actions of aesthetic and ethical agents may shatter the necessity in ways that transform constraints.”

Steven Schroeder : Between Freedom and Necessity

I propose to provide a space (ideally RWY Project Space) in which value judgements and preconceived definitions of practice are suspended, toyed with and challenged. The intention is to promote, foster, breed experimentation through reflexive copoietic activities within a playful arena.

The approach to methodology here is derived from my research practice and theoretical framework, a mutable non-static rhizome.

The aim is to play within a few simple and familiar frameworks with varying approaches to observe and experience what is generated. Criticality occurs at the coal face, the site of activity and subsequently “between” actions and sessions. This approach will tease out individual and group opinion, insight and concerns.

An additional aim is to investigate the means to achieve and outcomes from pre-existing perspectives of object | subject being compressed within the “game” space. Taking familial game structure to facilitate a shakeup which should cause relevant and pertinent concerns to separate out and be more readily perceived.

A rejection of dichotomy and binary logic is key. Research methodology itself may be exposed as the barrier to progress. The tools used define the outcomes. This is to be avoided.

A constant in the space will be

  • A laptop with external larger screen to display images, text, looping gifs
  • Materials for construction, assemblage and mark-making
  • Video camera to record all activity

The three game structures which will be used:

  • Duel
  • Relay
  • Duck, duck goose

The changing screen output, picked at random from a library of images and text, will instigate and influence action within each game. Participants will have opportunities to add to the library.

With each round of each game a differing socio-theoretical-practical scenario is established. Playing with reception theory and aberrant decoding of action and outcomes. By allow this to unravel in the space and time presented, challenging the audience by involving them in practice and reflection upon it.

Feedback loops of ACTION – PAUSE – REFLECT – ACTION will take place

Where does value come in? What role do value judgements, taste and criticality at a distance, have within practice based research?

I would like to propose that this Performance-Intervention-Workshop be repeated on each day. This would enable participants to have percolation time. An extended period to ponder, reflect and form responses to activities played out. The 2nd day would enable initial reflections to be explored and played through. The 3rd brings a nested loop of practice and opportunities to observe how effective the reflection was and whether it has enhanced the work given this critical distance.

Runtime: 1 hour per day

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