
Having focused on proposal for 705 I have been slack on the blog front.

I have continued to play with chromaKey and layering of moving image and performative actions. This is bringing some interesting results and as my confidence with Creative Cloud progresses it is opening up new areas of interest in terms of possible application of new technologies.

I continue to develop use of Arduino with sensors and low power motors to animate parts of assemblages. This is slow progress as studio time is limited at present.

With my focus strongly on 705 and final year I am gathering objects and kit to enable experimentation well in advance of any installs etc.

Checking in with ML this week will help guide the proposal and tighten it up. I am currently trying not to use free time doing all the research I have planned to do next year!

More to be added this evening…

Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">704</a>