“Dense interwoven narrative” – Geoff Cox on James Charlton
Alive thinking
Practice based
Dialogue with materials
Words as material
Deny the tedium of academic convention
Catch | Bounce
A project by James Charloton
Towards a non-computational ‘digital’ ontology
Digital n art
Digital as discrete
David Lewis
Analog as continuous
Non fixed to media base
How do we decide what is different?
Thing in it’s self
Object oriented philosophy
Set theory
Nono to notion
Russell Paradox!!! Boom x
Concrete individuals -Nelson Goodman
Expanded field R Krauss
“Them” being objects both discrete and analog
Post object art
Phil Dadson
Jim Allen
Think outside our own terms
Steyerl loops deny this discreteness?
Mereology – of parts and wholes
Jim allen : News equals a circulated non state work
Jan Verwoert on artistic agency
Make art is primary | Not being an artist
Material practice falls apart when you contemplate the relationship with the audience
Back to Picasso present not represent
Rateman Nathan MAD thesis exhib
Reflexivity causes necrosis
Extreme self-consciousness
Work of the artists
Work of the audience
Critical distance is stiffling
Invert heidegger
Shaun mcniff
Co-constitution – not subject object dialectics
Heidehger being in time
Ontology is how not what
Harman what things really are is events
Enter dah dah dah
Function of practice as knowledge generator and evolution
Barbera bolt
Thy belltower of love
Audience agency
Reject explicitivity