


Travel along and between

Parallels meeting horizons

From here I intend to unpleat | unfold | unfurl that which invariably becomes infinitely compacted into the Now and Here


From NOWHERE we have timespace inverted via moboids to here and now

Utopia – EUtopia

Zizek has brought us to NOWHERE a fantasy invisible to those with open eyes.


Perspective breeds ease

A narrowing towards agreement | acceptance | tolerance

The median | mode | mean

Middle England


“A shadow who is casting on the wall” – C



“Chimneys of thunderous acceleration.”


“Teasing through absence.” JC



Pasty Normals


For some trauma | crisis is worn like an exoskeleton. The work at no moment will to allow the eye, subject, encounter to forget.

Not so for us all. Contrarily, the trauma is there in the work, with me and it’s aroma permeates practice. At times rising and others receeding. Crisis – societal, global, personal is manifest in action, form and space. Is it relevant for the viewer to know that A happened to B at X, Y, Z on the DD day of MM month in the year Y Y Y Y ?

The work | encounter itself will hold within it’s gut | clenched fist | core : the scent of the crisis


Lived veneers lifting, buckling: Torsion evidenced

Vitality of form

Replete appearing