The Postgraduate Society Research Showcase: 150319

Does collaboration imply truer truths?

I collaborate with people from geographic and politically unfamiliar cultures. Working with the fallout from this process; The forms and experiences which seep out having been irrevocably altered through edits, shifts of scale in time and space; ultimately by erasure.

The intention is to generate interventions which provoke reflection upon marginal truths, the impulse to delete and our lived experience of digital socialisation.

Recent practice is enriched by engagement with unfamiliar spaces. Lived experience in space is a catalyst for new work and fresh theoretical trajectories. Embracing those spaces where the digital and the analogue conflate, clash and conspire. We are in a time of polarised logic. Populist “truths” mask divisive and oppressive strategies. These masks are often veneers which artistic practice can peel back. Embedded binary thinking falsely presents us with true/false, real/fake, black/white choices. They are chimera. Both options ultimately lead to more of the same. Choice and freedom to consider situations in detail are deleted, erased from our timeline. In or out, with or without, leave or remain, delete or keep.

How is research distorted by erasure and partial truths? If we are post truth, what status does erasure now have?

Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">704</a>, <a href="" rel="category tag">Research</a>