A brothers chuckle

To you

A preliminary test of format to enable free flow of thoughts and words to be paired with more reflective writing.

To me


Con flat I on

Sift through

Open the flood gates

Coming over here, taking our jobs

Our women

Our hours

Our measures

Our waiting time

We love a good queue

Tip top

Top tip, get yourself a warm coat

By tomorrow morning you’ll be working

In alaska


Postmen are the enemy of dogs

They all wear shorts and are bow legged


My brother isn’t a postman

He was in the AA

He survived a shock of 10,000 Volts


Only so many jobs

We are an island after all

After all what?

After the jurassic period?

After Rivers of Blood?

After Lawrence?

After 2016?

Posted in <a href="https://puma.3six9.com/a/category/macap/704/" rel="category tag">704</a>, <a href="https://puma.3six9.com/a/category/words/" rel="category tag">Words</a>, <a href="https://puma.3six9.com/a/category/all/written/" rel="category tag">Written</a>